Guide Altopiano


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Our commitment to accessibility

We believe that access to information is a fundamental value for the company

Our site is accessible to everyone

"The ability to access directly and personally to the discovery and enjoyment of the riches of the planet represents a right to which all the inhabitants of the world must be able to benefit equally"--so reads the Global Code of ethics for Tourism Art. 6.

Tourism must necessarily be "for all" and a tourist has a duty to be hospitable and ensure quality service to visitors with disabilities. Hospitality passes, first from the information and accessibility of booking sites.

For this we have done our best to ensure the full accessibility of the contents of this website regardless of physical and sensory abilities of the users who visit it.

This site takes into account the WCAG 2.0 accessibility for developing websites.

In particular, automatic validators were used to check compliance with accessibility guidelines and was also created a working group consisting of people with disabilities (Visual, hearing and mobility in the limbs higher) that reported to the developers the improvements.

Accessibility testing was conducted by Yes, social cooperative specialized in services for accessibility and inclusion, which issued the following accessibility statement.

Thanks to ITS ASIAGO for making possible testing, analysis and optimization that allowed us to make this site accessible to all.