Guide Altopiano

Gian Paolo Marchetti

Gian Paolo Marchetti
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gian paolo marchetti

Gian Paolo Marchetti

Historic Contributor

Born in Ferrara on 2 July 1961 but always tied to who knows since 1968 when, accompanied by father Angelo, I went for the first time to know the places where, in 1916, Pietro Giovanni grandfather fought.

There comes his great passion for the history of the great war that, with the passing of the years, deepens with personal and in-depth literature searches to authoritative texts. Creator and leader of team training for young managers that use as main theme the most significant battles took place in Highland (Marketing strategies on the paths of the great war), and organizer of Asiago Summer Camp, an event reserved for school-age children that start to the knowledge of the nature and history of the plateau.

He teaches continuing education courses in medicine as the medicine, natural medicine, Drugs and and Mountain medicine and surgery during the great war.

It is graduated in Natural Sciences and worked as a manager at a multinational pharmaceutical company.

It is Member of the Associazione Guide Alpine plateau by 2013

Roles within the Association:

• Historical Collaborator and presenter in evenings dedicated to the events of the great war in Plateau

• Organizer of visiting mountains: summer camp for kids to explore the events of the great war

• Creator and guide of the exhibition of the original covers during the conflict created by Badman

-Naturalistic Contributor

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